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    Thursday, December 05, 2013
Dolphin 4.0.2

Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!

What's new for latest version:

One month after the 4.0.1 release we're releasing the maintenance release 4.0.2. It turned out that some critical regressions had slipped into the 4.0 release due to the major changes linked to the wii-network branch and the global user directory changes.

In particular, one of the fixed issues was related to incorrect usage of wxWidgets and caused various problems with general Dolphin usage on Windows systems with Unicode characters in their user name (e.g. "François" or "あいうえお").

Some rather technical issues caused multiple games to stop booting or to freeze randomly. We've had multiple issue reports on this bug, so it's great to see that we were able to fix this properly.

Visit project homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.


    Monday, November 04, 2013
Dolphin 4.0.1

Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!

What's new for latest version:

+ Fixed single core mode crashes in 64 bit Windows builds
+ Fixed missing music in Super Monkey Ball 2
+ Added missing DirectX runtime installer files
+ Fixed some graphics issues for Metroid: Other M, Skies of Arcadia and Call of Duty: Black Ops
+ Fixed various other minor issues

Visit project homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Monday, September 23, 2013
Dolphin 4.0

Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!

What's new for latest version:

With about 2500 changes since Dolphin 3.5, Dolphin 4.0 is a big release with the addition of several new major features:
+ Beta support for the Wii official online multiplayer
+ Alpha support for ARM/Android
+ Global User directory on Windows
+ New AX DSP HLE emulation code
+ New look
+ Wii Balance Board and GC Steering Wheel support
+ Wii Remote support improvements
+ Fastmem support for Linux and OS X
+ New OpenAL audio backend
+ OpenGL video backend rewrite
+ NetPlay stability and usability improvements
+ Mac OS X support enhancementsIcon themes support
+ Icon themes support

Visit project homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Friday, March 09, 2012
Gekko - New website, forums and releases

My buddy ShizZy has announced that the GameCube emulator Gekko has been moved to a new site hosted by 6bit.net with new forums for discussions. There are beta releases of the emulator available at the forums as well.

So we’ve got the gang back together again I’ve been working on the project on and off, and finally got around to making things public. We’ve got a few forums, and the Google Code page as been revamped.

The latest official public release is still v0.30 (same as before), however you can get the latest unofficial build below by visiting this thread.

Please join us on #gekko on EFnet for project discussions. If you’re interested in joining the Google Code project, fill out the contact form, ask me on IRC, or PM me on the forums. We would love some help.

A few screenshots has been posted as well:

Gekko website
Gekko forums

    Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Dolwin SVN r28

via http://www.emucr.com/2011/07/dolwin-svn-r28.html

Dolwin SVN r28 is released. Dolwin is a Nintendo GameCube Emulator for Windows. Dolwin is an emulator of Nintendo Gamecube console. This platform is based on PowerPC-derivative processor, produced by IBM Corp. and codenamed Gekko. Dolwin mainly purposed to emulate homebrewn applications.

Dolwin SVN Changelog:
Initial directory structure.
Adapted for 32bpp displays
improved MMU view in debugger
new gekko disassembler
`r` command updated, new `disa` command
Created wiki page through web user interface.
Edited wiki page IPL_Reversing through web user interface.
Edited wiki page IPL_Reversing through web user interface.
Edited wiki page IPL_Reversing through web user interface.
Edited wiki page IPL_Reversing through web user interface.
Edited wiki page IPL_Reversing through web user interface.
Created wiki page through web user interface.
Edited wiki page IPL_Reversing through web user interface.
Completed game list
my crappy video plugin


    Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Dolphin-r7574- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows has seen yet another new build, heres whats new:

Changelog for 7574

Fix applying anti-aliasing without having to open the gfx config. Thanks to skid for pointing out the VerifyValidity problem to me ;)
Fixes issue 4498.


    Sunday, May 01, 2011
Dolphin-r7501- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7501

Fix OS X build (hopefully). Fix a small UI inconsistency. Fix a warning about shadowed variables.Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


    Saturday, April 30, 2011
Dolphin-r7488- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7488

Video configuration dialog stuff:
- Introduced a description text field (!!)
- Fixed ALL setting descriptions
- Various other string changes
- Removed the projection statistics setting

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dolphin-r7449- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7449

Fix sysconf generation. Fixes issue 4348.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Dolphin-r7422- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7422
Eliminated a memcpy in DX11's vertex shader disk cache loading. Maybe games will boot faster now, who knows?
Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

    Friday, March 25, 2011
Snes9x GX 4.2.7 - Snes Emulator for Wii/GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for Wii/GameCube,

A Super Nintendo emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Based on Snes9x 1.52
•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
•Cheat support
•Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Autodetect PAL/NTSC
•16:9 widescreen support
•Open Source!

[4.2.7 - March 23, 2011]

* Fixed browser regressions with stability and speed
* Reverted zones' changes to IRQ and SA-1 - these caused a performance hit


Visual Boy Advance GX 2.2.4 - Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of his Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube, based on VBA-M.

A Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator based on VBA-M, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and emu_kidid's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•SRAM and State saving
•IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
•MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
•Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
•Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options

[2.2.4 - March 23, 2011]

* Fixed browser regressions with stability and speed

FCE Ultra GX 3.2.5 - NES Emulator - Port of FCEUX to Wii and GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of FCE Ultra GX a NES Emulator - Port of FCEUX to Wii and GameCube:

FCE Ultra GX is an NES emulator based on FCEUX. With it you can play NES games on your Wii/GameCube. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
•1-4 Player support
•Zapper support
•RAM / State saving support
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Cheat support (.CHT files)
•IPS/UPS/PPF automatic patching support
•NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.4

[3.2.5 - March 23, 2011]

* Fixed browser regressions with stability and speed

    Sunday, March 20, 2011
Dolphin-r7381- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7381

Simplify the SCons build:

With wxWidgets 2.9.2 now in Externals, SCons was the only
external dependency other than Xcode and building just SCons
from Macports caused a fair mount of extra stuff to be built
unnecessarily, so just include a copy of scons-local.

Always build wxWidgets from Externals which allows us to get
rid of the home-grown autoconf machinery in SconsTests.

The main use case for args.cache was the wxconfig option,
which is no longer relevant after the above changes and
caching options has a lot of potential for confusion,
especially since other build systems don't tend to do this,
so we no longer do it now.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


Visual Boy Advance GX 2.2.3 - Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of his Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube, based on VBA-M.

A Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator based on VBA-M, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and emu_kidid's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•SRAM and State saving
•IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
•MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
•Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
•Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options

[2.2.3 - March 19, 2011]

* Improved USB and controller compatibility (recompiled with latest libogc)
* Enabled SMB on GameCube (thanks Extrems!)
* Added Catalan translation
* Translation updates


    Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dolphin-r7354- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7354
Build fix for linux, and fix a deadlock when the core is initiated.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


    Monday, March 14, 2011
Dolphin-r7338- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7338

AudioCommon: Improve pad silence when ppc does not keep up with realtime

Uses the last sample from the ppc buffer to fill the samples the ppc
didn't deliver data for, avoids clicking on underruns.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


    Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Dolphin-r7272- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7272

Fix the wiimote speaker problem in the core and remove the HLE patch for it.
Real wiimote tested on windows, untested but should work on linux, dunno about osx.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

    Friday, February 25, 2011
Dolphin-r7236- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7236

Just a small accuracy fix for r6819, fixes the pixel line in the volumetric fog effect of Metroid Prime (closes issue 4162)

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Dolphin-r7223- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7223

Some fixes for the "Cheat Search" feature :
- Replace ToLong() with ToULong(), as to allow values in the [0x80000000..0xFFFFFFFF] range to be parsed correctly without failure.
- Remove the "val_base" hack, as it breaks hexadecimal values beginning with '-'.
Simply passing 0 as the second parameter to ToULong() is enough, as mentioned on this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5k9xb7x1%28v=VS.100%29.aspx
- Changed the error message (and some of its translations) to reflect that octal values are now auto-detected ("supported") as well.

To users:
Note that values beginning with '0' (not "0x" nor "0X") are now interpreted as octal values instead of decimal values. So be careful when using those!
Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

    Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Dolphin-r7121- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for r7121

Change to the 1.3 part of the Xrandr api for fullscreen mode switching on linux to support multiple monitor setups. There is probably some more work to be done, but at least it won't shut off one of your monitors anymore

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

    Thursday, January 27, 2011
Dolphin-r6928- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for r6928
Actually fix issue 3659.
check for cp932 using ::IsValidCodePage before creating the wxCSConv
if it is possible for linux distro or mac to remove the euc_jap cp from install a similar check may be added in WxUtils.cpp


    Saturday, January 31, 2009
Gekko News - Gamecube Emulator for Windows

Shizzy posted this news on the Gekko site:

As we are in the process of preparing the next closed beta release (N'Sider), we have decided it would be best for the project to expand our team to include new programmers. The emulator, although very far along in development, is still at a stage where there are many areas of emulation that have yet to even be touched, and the areas that have been worked on are still very incomplete and lacking features. It is simply a lot of work to keep up with with only two developers.

If you are interested in contributing to the project, please let us know what section of the project you are interested in working on (although you will not be limited by this), and your relevant programming experience. If we feel that you will be an asset to the team, we will then welcome you and provide you will all developer access. :-) Any inquiries or questions can be sent to me via forum PM. It's a great opportunity to join a very motivated team (I speak for both the developers, testers, N'Siders, and everyone else part of the project) and a very great community.

In addition, we are looking to enhance the website design. If you have interest in this, and experience, please feel free to contact me as well.

Thank you!


    Monday, January 26, 2009
Dolphin SVN build 2018 - Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows

Dolphin the Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has had a new public beta release, heres the news details:

This week unofficial build brings a lot of needed stability fixes.
Crashes were fixed, and it seems even start/stop works again.
Also we updated the game ini pack to r114, which includes a lot game fixes.

Download here --> http://www.dolphin-emu.com/downloads.php

    Saturday, January 24, 2009
Dolphin SVN build 1943 - Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows

Dolphin the Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has had a new public beta release, heres the news details:

With a little motivation, The team was able to stabilize the code for this release. Things to look forward to are fixed scanning in Metroid Prime 1 and Metroid Prime 2. Metroid Prime 3 is still having scanning issues but its getting better. Also, I have noticed in many games the graphics are looking much better. Also, ector was able to fix the crashing issues from the last few public builds. Its been fixed. This build should be a lot more stable. More notes on config changes and added visual options for wiimote. So go grad r1943 and get testing and let us know in the forums. On a side note. Nakee hasn't been around today so I posted the win32 build. I can not make a win64 or linux builds. When they are done and ready they will be posted under the downloads.

UPDATE 20/01/2008 By Daco: i added the 64bit build :)

Download here --> http://www.dolphin-emu.com/downloads.php

    Sunday, July 13, 2008
ANNOUNCE: Dolphin Now Open Source

News from Ector

We hereby release the source code of Dolphin and most of its plugins under the GPL 2.0.

You can check out the code using Subversion (we recommend TortoiseSVN), from our new repository at Google Code. .

A few new features are included:

* New OpenGL graphics plugin by zerofrog
* Basic patch/cheat system (no search yet), support for decrypted Action Replay codes
* Much faster JIT in 32-bit, slightly faster in 64-bit
* Basic Wii support (plays a couple of intro movies, starts zelda, no working wiimote)
* Some more I forgot about right now, see them as bonuses..

With the new gfx plugin, the code mostly builds and even runs a bit on Linux, but games don't work yet. There's now a cross platform wxWidgets GUI.

We'll release some new official builds soon, too.

Compatibility has not increased since the last release, but speed has in many cases.

Dolphin is currently not in a super polished state, but we hope that the community can help fix that, and maybe in the long run also add more features and compatibility. If anyone has a new feature or fix and wants SVN write access, just contact us and we'll add you to the project. Or you could just fork the whole thing, but that would probably be annoying

Have fun,


    Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA #3 (update)

Apparently the Released beta from yesterday wasn't actually the last version. A new version has been added and is ready to download.

Get your updated version now!

Dolphin Website
Dolphin 64bits release thread
Screenshots thread
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA #3

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA released!

That's right folks, after a long waiting time, the 64-bits version of Dolphin is finally public!

Quote from Dolphin Website:

Last year the Dolphin Beta testing team (CKemu/Chaoscode/Knuckles) already posted shots of Dolphin 1.03.2 x64 which also has dualcore support.

Well finally you can test this version aswell, however there are a few general notes:
- Remember that this version is a PRIVATE BETA version.
- This means it is less stable than Dolphin 1.02, USE AT OWN RISK.
- This version requires a 64bit operating system (either Windows XP64 or Vista64)
- The graphics/audio plugins haven't been upgraded.
- Due core changes some games might run better, some might run worse or not at all
- Speed is now CPU dependant, dualcore is obviously helps a lot.

Quote from Chaoscode: "SSBM is 100% playable with 100% speed on my crappy computer."

Enjoy this Public beta testing release, and...
don't forget to thank ector & F|RES in this thread!

- Falcon4ever

Dolphin Website
Dolphin 64bits release thread
Screenshots thread
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA

    Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Gekko update - Teasing time!

After keeping a ton of secrets over Gekko's development, we finally decided to show a little part of one.

Here's a screenshot of the emulator running using it's own video plugin in action, you might not see a lot, but that's the goal!

There's still a lot of new stuff the emulator can do that you never saw before on other emulators, but it's up to you to wonder what they are.

Gekko Official Website
Gekko Official Forums

    Friday, December 29, 2006
Gcube back from the dead!

It seems this awesome GameCube emulator is back and being worked on. From monk himself...

So... gcube did mean to die at o.4, but after a long while of complete inactivity, I picked it up again and made a bunch of improvements. Unfortunately I'm not able to release the newest version just yet. I was trying to make it a Christmas gift this year, but the university took all of my time. Fortunately I graduated this week so that's out of the way. In January I will start looking for a job, and after I get one, again I won't have so much time to work on this project, but I will definitely release 1.o version in the few upcoming months. Keep in mind 1.o doesn't mean it will be finished, or even fully functional. It just means gcube has reached the goals I set up for it...


    Wednesday, October 11, 2006
www.Gekko-Emu.com Goes Live!

Feel free to come on in and grab a cup of coffee :)


There's some new shots as well, plus stay tuned for other frequent news updates. Special thanks to Martin64 and this network for hosting the website, and also thanks to everyone who's helped us get this far allong in our project. (Especially Doug and Chrono, without them our website would be nonexistent!) Also, feel free to drop by #Gekko on Efnet for any questions, or stop in the Gekko forum at NGemu.


    Monday, August 07, 2006
Gekko GameCube Emu - Status Update

Let's play guess the framerate :-)

Please don't bombard us too much yet with questions, the emu is still in early stages. Creds go to myself (of course), Aprentice, Lightning, and Thakis. Feel free to check out #Gekko on Efnet IRC.


    Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 BETA Released

A new beta of Dolphin has been posted, apparently it's more compatible then before, but also slower. Check out the release thread for information.

Dolphin 1.03.2 BETA Release thread
Dolphin Official Site
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 BETA

    Thursday, March 02, 2006
New GameCube Emulator Announced - Gekko

Gekko (Not to be confused with the Gamecube's Cpu) is a "proof-of-concept" Gamecube Emulator that we have been working on for the past few months. What this means, is at this time it doesn't offer anything the other emulators don't, it is relatively slow and no commercial games boot. On a different note, currently Gekko is probably the most actively worked on Gamecube Emulator, and considering the great leaps and bounds we've made in the past few weeks, new updates are expected in the very near future. Gekko is currently being developed by myself (ShizZy), aprentice, and thakis, with some assistance from ZeZu. Stay tuned..


    Thursday, January 26, 2006
GCEmu 20051211 Released

GCEmu is GameCube emulator for Windows. It has been in development for about one year and it's capable of running commercial games.
Here is what one of the authors has to say about this release:

GCEmu is a very incomplete emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube.
It uses recompilation techniques and some other tricks to achieve a reasonable speed.
Although emulation is very incomplete, this emulation shows that 'it can be done' and can be done at a decent speed.

Where Dolphin Emu shows that the emulation can be done, GCEmu shows that it can be done at speed.
This is because the different focus. Where the Dolphin guys hate to do cpu emulation (especially recompilers)
this is exactly what I (Tratax) have been playing with since PSEmu.

It was made using Visual Studio C++ using pure C code and a few bits of assembler.

You can visit the SourceForge page of this project for more info.

GCEmu Project Page (SourceForge)
GCEmu 20051211

    Thursday, October 27, 2005
Dolphin Final 1.03 BETA Released

A new version of the Gamecube emulator Dolphin has been released! Since talk is cheap let me just quote what Knuckles wrote about this version in This Thread.

This is right, I've got the permission from FiRES to release the latest beta of Dolphin. This version is classified as an open beta, development on the emulator has already been stopped for a good while now and since there is no work in sight, this version is getting released.

I know a lot of people were waiting for it and there it is. It's still buggy, not compatible with a lot of games, slow and all but it's still better than the previous one.

What's new in this one:
-Improved Audio plugin
-improved Dolphin default input plugin
-Added Falcon4ever's nJoy 0.2 input plugin (recommended)
-Added Memory card support
-----slot 1 & 2, 2MB ones are inserted by default, can't be changed,
-----WARNING: if you format your memcard with an US game, you will be only able to use it with US games (same goes for EUR and JAP ones)
-Better recompiler compatibility and stability

that's all I can remember of the changes....


Please note that this is a BETA release and it is certain that it will have problems.
It's recomended to visit the Release Thread and the Official Site for more information

Dolphin Final 1.03 BETA Release Thread
Dolphin Official Site
Dolphin Final 1.03 BETA

    Thursday, July 28, 2005
WhineCube release 7 out

Masken has worked hard on this promising GameCube emulator, and the hard work has been revealed in the beta testing thread over at the forums, and finally a new version is out:

July 26th 2005 - Release 7

It took a while, but now it's done. Aside from BAM being playable, there are also many other changes. Here are the most noteworthy:

* Fixed many crash bugs.
* Removed the need to have MSVCR71.dll.
* Added DSP disassembler.
* Vastly improved graphics emulation, using pixel shaders.
* Changed window title to show game name instead of file name (GCMs only).
* Added an option to turn debug logging off and on. It is off by default.
* Added an option to disable the syscall instruction, enabling Freeloader and Action Replay.

Download and discuss. Oh, by the way, you might need d3dx9_25.dll. Just put it with the others.

Grab the download at the WhineCube website, and leave your comments in this thread!

File Releases

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