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    Sunday, October 14, 2007
GlideHQ 0.4 Released

This project dedicated to bring you, Glide64 users, various advanced texture enhancements. The author of GlideHQ is famous Hiroshi ‘KoolSmoky’ Morii, well known as an author of 3dfx drivers and tools. I also must thank Rice for his indirect help – most of texture enhancement algorithms were taken from RiceVideo sources.

GlideHQ is a separate optional module. That is, Glide64 can work without it, if you don’t need texture enhancements. GlideHQ can apply various filters (smooth, sharp), enhancements (X2SAI, HQ4X etc) and compressions to input texture. Resulted texture is used instead of the original one.

To install and test GlideHQ, download GideHQ distributive and unpack it into Plugin folder. In Glide64 configuration dialog, open “Texture enhancement” tab and select options you like.

Current version is a prototype, based on Glide64 “WonderPlus”. That is, for end-users this is Glide64 “WonderPlus” with texture enhancements. Since it is a prototype, it can be buggy, slow, inconvenient and so on. Thus, we need your feedback to make it better.

GlideHQ 0.4:
I've restricted memory cache to 128Mbytes. It will grow till it reaches 128mb and swap out old texture cache. The memory cache will be dumped to disk when you stop emulation and loaded when started. A "*.dat" file will be created for each game under .Plugincache. For now they will be saved uncompressed.

GlideHQ 0.3:
I've added memory cache to cache filtered textures. Once a texture is filtered it will stay in the cache and be used until you exit emulation. For now only memory cache. In the Glide64 configuration dialog, open “Texture enhancement” and tick "Cache texture to system memory".

Glide64 Official Site
GlideHQ Release Thread
GlideHQ 0.4

Thanks to ggab for the heads up.


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