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    Spotlight on ector

Date: 2004-03-22
Current Project(s): Dolphin

Today we focus our Spotlight on ector, one of the great developers from the Dolphin development team. ector is best known for his previous work with Icarus and his current work Dolphin, but he has also been a valuable resource for other projects as well. He has always been a nice guy willing to lend a hand to other teams that need a little help, which is always great to see. ector also gave me a little information for the next Dolphin release .. which should be really sweet, you know the saying, "good things come to those who wait". Ok lets move onto ector's interview.


Q : When did you get into emulation either as a coder or just a fan?
A : I was probably 14 or 15 when I first found Nesticle, which I thought was pretty cool. I then forgot about emulators until I saw an early Snes9x version at some friend-of-a-friend's house. I hit Altavista (this was before Google, mind you) and found lots of interesting stuff :)

Q : What was your first coding experience for emulation?
A : Writing a Chip8 emulator in C# (to learn the language) using the guide at www.goldroad.co.uk. I recommend everyone who are interested in how emulation works to try to write a Chip8 emulator in their favourite programming language, it's so simple that even when doing it in VB or javascript or Excel macros or whatever you're going to have to work to slow the thing down!

Q : What interested you in GameCube Emulation?
A : It's the next step, and it hasn't been already done before.

Q : What do you think about the current state of the emulation scene as a whole?
A : I only follow MAME and nextgen emulators so I can't really say. From what I hear the NeoGeo scene is a mess but who cares about NeoGeo anymore?

Q : What is your best experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : Seeing UltraHLE running Mario 64 for the first time was easily the biggest "wow" moment ever in emulation for me.. possibly excluding when F|RES sent me the first shots of Dolphin running Zelda Wind Waker past the Nintendo logos :)

Q : What was your worst experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : Dunno, emulation is just a fun oddity, I don't really know of any bad sides, and if there are any, I don't care.

Q : Are you currently working on any other projects besides Dolphin?
A : I've given some minor help to several upcoming Dreamcast emulators. Other than that university and life are taking up the rest of my time :)

Q : Does the amount of lame request ever make you second guess what you are currently doing?
A : No. In fact there haven't been many super lame requests, and I don't care about them anyway. We're not writing Dolphin to satisfy anyone else, we're just doing it because it's a fun programming projects. Emulators are really fun to write because of the great feeling of accomplishment you get when after a lot of work, things suddenly spring into life!

Q : Could you give us some information regarding the current state of your projects?
A : There are already people around in forums such as emutalk and emuforums speculating that Dolphin is dead. They're wrong. It's just that Dolphin development is going forward at a very jerky pace, sometimes we have no time to code on it for two months and sometimes we make lots of progress really really quickly :)

Q : Do you ever plan on working on another emulation project after Dolphin? If so what would interest you and challenge you?
A : No idea, we'll see. I'm not really very interested in emulating any other of the available consoles (though seeing Dreamcast emulation would be great). PSP and Nintendo DS could both be interesting projects in the future if I have time.

Q : Does the progress of your projects surpass all of your expectations so far? Or do you think you would have been further along in development?
A : No, I'm really very surprised that we've gotten as far as we have so quickly :)

Q : Who else do you currently work with on your projects?
A : F|RES, and Schibo when he's around.

Q : How much have they influenced you and how much have they improved your work and vice versa?
A : F|RES is a really good coder and an amazing reverse engineer. I can't believe how he figured out some of the groundwork that made it possible for me to implement Dolphin's next major feature (you'll see ;)
Schibo is a great coder too and his dynarec experience from 1964 is very valuable.
I don't know if they have influenced me in any particular way but they're both very smart people, interesting to work with.

Q : After you have moved on from the scene what do you want to be most remembered for?
A : If we could ever get Metroid Prime to run 100% ;) no seriously, I don't really care much

Q : Could you provide us with an teasers of things to come for your projects?
A : The next release of Dolphin will rock, literally :) Can't promise any release date since it depends on soo many things...

Q : One last thing is there anything you would like to say or anybody you would like to thank?
A : I'd like so say hello to or9 and the others in the Dolwin team. Some of or9's research has been very helpful. Also I'd like to greet the new Icarus team, and to all the PCSX2 and CXBX authors of course :)

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Related Links:
:: Dolphin Official Site
:: Dolphin Forums

Small Tidbits:
Age: 20
Movie: Memento
Music: It varies a lot, atm I listen mostly to Asian Dub Foundation, Dub Sweden, The Knife, Underworld.
Book: The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie (yeah, heavy stuff :)
Game: Rez is definitely the coolest. The Jet Set Radio series rocks too, except the GBA version. I like the Metroid games and a couple of the Zeldas (mostly Link's Awakening and OOT). I also like rhythm games like the Dance Dance Revolution games and Samba de Amigo :) OK so that wasn't just one favourite game, but what the heck ;P


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