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    Spotlight on Azimer

Date: 2004-02-09
Current Project(s): Apollo, Sound Plugin, Dolwin
Location: South Africa

This time around I will focus the EmuFanatics Spotlight on Azimer, a 24 year old Developer best known for his contributions to the N64 Dev scene. Originally turned on to emulation when he found a working Gameboy emulator by Marat, Azimer knew he was addicted after the first release of Nesticle. His first experience with development came in 1998 with the creation of KANE (Kick Ass Nintendo Emulator). After awhile he started working on SNESRise for the moonlitcoalition which eventually led him to N64 Emulation. Phrodide (Author of Sunset) was upset with 64bit and moonlitcoalition and gathered Azimer and cricket to work on a new N64 emulator. Together with Jabo they worked on a project which was discontinued before it was made public.

Over time Azimer has helped with many projects including being the lead developer for Apollo and helping with Ultra HLE 2064. Currently he sees the scene as a bit on the boring side and the N64 Scene is lacking "Go Getters" who solve lasting issues. Azimer also sees NextGen as the current trend in development but knows that older systems need more work. So far he has not received much feedback for his projects, except from developers. One of his nicest complements came his way from Jabo, which was basically a validation that Azimer had proven himself to Jabo as a programmer. One of his greatest moments as a developer came when he solved the bug which prevented Dlists from working in Apollo. One of his worst experiences for him is more of the collective lack of support he has gotten from his work because it prevents him from getting things done. People leaving his projects and people not giving proper credit for information he has given them. Also some of the lamest requests he has received so far are for the source code for his Audio HLE Plugin. The lame requests deffinatly make him second guess being a developer, but he says it is more to do with nonuser disrespect then from endusers asking for things. Currently Azimer is only working on his Audio Plugin, Apollo will most likely stay the same as the current release. He mainly uses Apollo for reversing new information and bug fixes for other people as well as for debugging his audio plugin. The audio plugin is on the front burner getting ready for a final release or series of releases.

As Azimer looks back on his work he is satisfied with what he has accomplished but still believes he should be further along. He says he is not as dedicated to getting things done and more interested in having fun and enjoying the whole emuculture. He would like to get into another NextGen project, but that all depends on who comes with him, or what project he helps with. Currently with nobody helping him on any projects he believes he is cursed to be alone. He just wants to be known as a selfless Apollo author who willingly shared information for the good of the whole community. Azimer would also like to thank a few people that have helped along the way which include zilmar, Jabo, LaC, rcp, and F|RES. They are the top people who helped him in his goals.

I would like to thank Azimer for taking the time to help with this Article, and I will always show my support for all his project, and I wish him the best in all his upcoming ventures.

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