Date: 2004-12-27
Current Project(s): blueMSX Location: Originally from Sweden, and now in California for the past 4 years.

Today we focus our spotlight on the very talented blueMSX developer Daniel Vik. Daniel and the development team for blueMSX have been doing a wonderful job in creating one of the best MSX emulators and in the process bringing us great classic gaming for all the MSX fans out there.
Q : When did you get into emulation either as a coder or just a fan?
A : I started using MSX and Atari emulators a long time ago, mainly to try to rescue my old software and to play some old games.
Q : What was your first coding experience for emulation?
A : I've been writing simulators for several years at work but the first emulator coding is actually blueMSX which started about one and a half years ago.
Q : What interested you in MSX Emulation?
A : My first computer was a Yamaha CX5M MSX computer so I've been following the MSX emulation scene for a while. So far the CX5M is not emulated but hopefully its not that far away. The MSX emulator scene has also been a bit behind other systems when it comes to accuracy and usability. That's what made me start working on blueMSX.
Q : What do you think about the current state of the emulation scene as a whole?
A : It feels like the interest for old system has increased the last couple of years. Emulators for some systems has also been improved quite a lot and they are both more accurate and easier to use.
Q : How do you feel about the response you have received so far for your projects?
A : I've received a lot of positive response. Our users are really giving us good feedback. Many thanks :)
Q : What is your best experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : Probably the first time I managed to run my own old games in an emulator.
Q : What was your worst experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : I don't really have any bad experiences.
Q : Are you currently working on any other projects besides blueMSX?
A : blueMSX takes most of the time. I'm also following the openMSX project and try to contribute with ideas and bug fixes. Other than emulation I like to do obfuscated programs for the International Obfuscated C Code Contest (www.ioccc.org).
Q : Does the amount of lame request ever make you second guess what you are currently doing?
A : I usually don't get any lame requests.
Q : What is the lamest request you have every received?
A : Most request I get are really constructive.
Q : What is the nicest complement you have received?
A : One user said he thinks blueMSX is one of the best emulators regardless of system. That was a very nice compliment.
Q : Could you give us some information regarding the current state of your projects?
A : blueMSX and openMSX is doing a lot of progress at the moment. Both emulators are quite accurate and emulates most MSX systems and runs most software.
Q : Do you ever plan on working on another emulation project after blueMSX? If so what would interest you and challenge you?
A : I would very much like to work with emulation of older synthesizers but at the moment blueMSX takes most of the time.
Q : Are you satisfied with the work you have done up to this point?
A : Definately. The architecture has become quite flexible which made it easy to add support for systems similar to MSX, like SVI318/328 and ColecoVision. I also think we've made an interface that is fairly easy to use and provides quite detailed configuration without getting too complicated.
Q : Does the progress of your projects surpass all of your expectations so far? Or do you think you would have been further along in development?
A : The progress has definately been over my expectations. The biggest reason is the great feedback and ideas we get from our users. That is a big motivator.
Q : Who else do you currently work with on your projects?
A : In blueMSX, we are currently four developers, me, Tomas Karlsson, Benoit Delvaux, and Ray Zero. The openMSX project has an active team of developers that I chat with as often as I can, mainly mth, Quibus, and Wouter. Then I also have some contact with other MSX emu developers to exchange ideas, for example Ricardo Bittencourt (BRMSX), Rudolf Lechleitner (RUMSX), and SLotman (RedMSX).
There are also many users that are active and give us feedback, ideas and technical information.
Q : How much have they influenced you and how much have they improved your work and vice versa?
A : Without the other blueMSX team members the emulator wouldn't be what it is today. Our backgrounds are quite different which I think has been very positive for the development.
We also have a good relationship with the openMSX team and we share both code and ideas with them. They have a long experience on the MSX scene and they have provided a lot of tecnical information to the blueMSX project.
Q : After you have moved on from the scene what do you want to be most remembered for?
A : Hopefully blueMSX has been a positive injection to the MSX emu scene and I hope it will become even better. With blueMSX and openMSX a big step has been taken towards getting an accurate, easy to use MSX emulator.
Q : Could you provide us with an teasers of things to come for your projects?
A : There are many things I'd like to do. A keyboard configuration tool, rewriting the rendering using direct3d and/or openGL, add a debugger, MIDI support,... We haven't set any priorities so what's next will be a suprise ;)
Q : One last thing is there anything you would like to say or anybody you would like to thank?
A : I want to thank our users that has given us great support, feedback and ideas. This is really what keeps us going. And I also want to thank my team members for their great work and the openMSX developers for their invaluble help.
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Related Links:
:: blueMSX Official Site
:: blueMSX Official Forums
Small Tidbits:
Age: 32
Name: Daniel Vik
Favorite Food: Thai
Favorite Movie: Fahrenheit 451
Favorite Music: Anything from Depeche Mode to Rancid
Favorite Book: Land of Jade by Bertil Lintner
Favorite Game: Best ever: Indiana Jones and the Faith of Atlantis.
Your Favorite Hobbies: Surfing, Soccer, Floorhockey, Fishing, ...
Your Pet Peeves: None |
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