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    Spotlight on Scar_T

Date: 2004-05-11
Current Project(s): PS2emu
Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Today we focus our Spotlight on Scar_T. Scar_T might be new to most people from the scene but I have known him for a long time and he is one of the nicest people I have ever met and always one to be optimistic and upbeat about everything. I am very happy to see him having so much success with PS2emu and hope that continues for a very long time. Now lets get on with the Interview. :)


Q : When did you get into emulation either as a coder or just a fan?
A : 4 years ago

Q : What was your first coding experience for emulation?
A : A psx emu. It was a personal project, but latetly i've realized that i didn't have enough knowledge for doing it, so i made a chip8 emulator, pretty easy by the way.

Q : What interested you in creating emulator for the Playstation system?
A : I wanted to learn a lot. So i saw an emulator that i had (PSEmu) and i thought "would it be hard to code this kind of software?", and it really was, because i'd just learned coding in C, but only for DOS , i didn't know assembler either and my computer architecture knowledge was quite basic.

Q : What interested you in creating emulator for the Playstation 2 system?
A : My good friend Roor, he told me "Do you want to code a PS2 emulator with me?", and i said, "Of course man".

Q : What do you think about the current state of the emulation scene as a whole?
A : I think that it's quite good, there are a lot of interesting projects out there, and now, even big companies are making emulators, so we are a growing community.

Q : What do you think about the current state of the NextGen scene?
A : Pretty amazing, you can see great projects for the nextgen console (GC, XBOX, PS2 and Dreamcast), and with this you can see the job of great coders, that's priceless.

Q : How do you feel about the response you have received so far for your projects?
A : Well the only project what i've made and became public is PS2Emu, and i'm very happy for the response of the people, in general, it has been very good. I've received a lot of supporting messages. THANK YOU.

Q : What is your best experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : When i made my first buggy VIF emulation, then ran the emu, and i saw the BIOS running, it's was really amazing.

Q : What was your worst experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : When i tried to emulate the CDROM for my old psx emulator, and i couldn't do it, i tried for days and nothing worked :(. Shunt lent me their CD code, but i still want to do it because i already know that is a timing problem.

Q : Are you currently working on any other projects besides PS2emu?
A : About emulation, no, i'm not. I'm working in another personal projects, like my thesis (this is my last year in school) and some projects to earn some money.

Q : Does the amount of lame request ever make you second guess what you are currently doing?
A : Fortunately i've just gotten one

Q : What is the lamest request you have every received?
A : How i said before, i've received just one lame request, so that's made it the lamest request :), and it was: "Why can't "tekken 4" be emulated, or tekken tag? or How long will you take to do it?"

Q : What is the nicest complement you have received?
A : I'm lucky guy, i've received a lot of those :), "nice work", "great job", and so on.

Q : Could you give us some information regarding the current state of your projects?
A : Well we are still working in the Dynamic Recompiler, and we are making some parts of the ps2 that hadn't been emulated yet, with that we hope to improve the compatibility.

Q : Do you ever plan on working on another emulation project after PS2emu? If so what would interest you and challenge you?
A : Well, at the moment I don't know, but someday i want to finish my psx emu.

Q : Are you satisfied with the work you have done up to this point?
A : With the emu in general, yes, i'm very happy with it, but with my personal work, i'm not, i feel that i could have done more for the emu.

Q : Does the progress of your projects surpass all of your expectations so far? Or do you think you would have been further along in development?
A : Yes it really does. I didn't expect to go so far, but you can expect anything if you are working with Roor and Shunt :).

Q : Who else do you currently work with on your projects?
A : Roor and shunt in PS2Emu.

Q : How much have they influenced you and how much have they improved your work and vice versa?
A : We are a very cooperative team, everybody listen to the opinion of each other. And if somebody makes a mistake there's always somebody to help him.

Q : After you have moved on from the scene what do you want to be most remembered for?
A : That's a hard one. Well, maybe for my work on the PS2 emulation scene.

Q : Could you provide us with an teasers of things to come for your projects?
A : Well we are working pretty hard on the Dynamic Recompiler, and some optimizations, so you can expect some speed ups. We are also working in the compatability issue, but our priority is the speed issue.

Q : One last thing is there anything you would like to say or anybody you would like to thank?
A : I would like to thank:
Roor: For teaching me a lot of things about emulation, (he is a kind of a teacher to me ), and for trusting me in this project.
Shunt: For helping me take my first steps in emulation, without him i would have never coded an emu.
Keith: For the inverview, for runnig the ps2emu site and for encouraging me to develop the emu.
Mich: For helping me in the spelling of this interview.
And in general for all these guys, for be a really good friends.

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Related Links:
:: PS2emu Official Site
:: PS2emu Official Forums

Small Tidbits:
Age: 21
Food: Any mexican food
Movie: Good Will Hunting
Music: Any kind of music, except pop
Book: Demian
Game: Final Fantasy VIII, Silent Hill and Resident Evil 2
Hobbies: Play video games
Pet Peeves: none


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