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    Review By Martin
N64: Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
Review by Martin
Views: 52977
Date: 2003-05-07
Comments: 10
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was before it was released one of the most talked-about games for Nintendo 64. It was the fastest selling game in history; more than 350 000 people bought ia before it hit the shelves. Like previous Zelda games, Link's goal is to eliminate Ganondorf and save the world. Sounds simple, huh?


The graphics are really great. Definitely the best game I've tried with UltraHLE, when it comes to graphics. Nothing to complain about, except it's slow on my system sometimes.

SOUND: 4/6

If there's anything that isn't great about Zelda, it's the sound. The sound skips very hard sometimes, it's known to have one of the worst skippings of the UltraHLE compatible games. The sound effects are limited otherwise too. The sound is the only weak point of this game.


The story is very, very good. The gameplay has always been the strongest point for Zelda games over the years. Nothing beats it. It's the balance between action and thinking that makes it so great. It's structure is so perfect, it's scary. I don't even want to think about how many hours the 200 members of the Zelda staff has used for just the story.


Every Zelda games has something magical, a force that won't let you loose the grip of the controller. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has it, too. Although it has the Zelda magical attraction, it isn't as great as previous versions.

Probably the best game ever made. At least for Nintendo 64. It's just a great game overall. Although the sound isn't very good, the story, graphics and gameplay makes up for it. Thank you, Mr. Miyamoto, for creating one of the best games ever!

(Originally posted sometime during 1999)


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