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    Guide by Gent
Virtual ColecoVision
Guide by Gent
Views: 49257
Date: Saturday, August 27 - 2005

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Input Controller

Virtual ColecoVision Input Controller

(Using A PadKeyboard With Virtual ColecoVision)

Virtual ColecoVision has the Keyboard set for the input's Default. The Keyboard Default keys are mapped to:

So if you have a pad/joystick the 1st stop is to set Joystick Input as Default. To Config your Pad: Click on Emulation/Input Devices orAlt+I on your Keyboard. This will Open the  Input Devices Properties Dialog (Shown Above) Choose Joystick 1 on the Emulate controller joystick via: Section and Select Joystick 1.

Now Select Joystick 1 on the Input Device Section and Choose Joystick 1 as your Device. On the Mapped as: Section Choose what button you want to use for Keypad 0.

Select all the Buttons like shown above for Left and Right Fire Buttons and Keypad * and # You don't need to Map Up, Down, Left and Right as they are already Mapped for your Pad. Once you have chosen what you want for those Buttons Click on Apply and Ok to close the Dialog. Now you are ready to start using a Gamepad or Keyboard just how you like it.

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| Designed by Gent | for the Emulation64 Network|

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