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    Guide by Gent
Virtual ColecoVision
Guide by Gent
Views: 49262
Date: Saturday, August 27 - 2005

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Virtual ColecoVision
Using & Configuration

How to use this emulator

On the first launch of the VColeco.exe you will be introduced to: The Virtual ColecoVision - File Association Dialog.

Click on the Custom Button and it will open another Dialog. Write in the Extension col (Like Shown Above) and then click Ok to take you back to the Main Exe

To load a ROM image or a demo/game, use File/Open cartridge ROM... or Alt + O. Make sure you unzip all Images as Virtual ColecoVision does not have Zip Support) Now Open the scroll bar on Files Of Type Section and click on the .col extension (also shown above) This will now show all your .col extension ROMs ready for use. You will now be allowed to see and choose the Game you want to load. Once you have, click on the Open button to load the game. If you have a different file extension to the above example and it isn't showing in the Files of Type. (lets say for this example it is a .cole extension) Then you will also have to add that in on the first load by writing col;cole and click Ok or you can always just use my Uninstall.zip which is available on the Download page. The Uninstall Folder is to Remove All VColeco 2.11 settings on WinNT and win95,98,Me from the Registry returning everything back to the Emulators Default on the 1st Load. That would mean you can then get The Virtual ColecoVision - File Association Dialog again, and Add your new extensions (have to reconfigure any other settings you have done)

Input Controls

Keyboard and DirectInput-compatible game controllers are supported, the Keyboard keys are mapped by default.

Use Settings/Controllers to configure your Game Pad or Re Config your Keyboard. To see the Default and how to configure click on the Help and Controller Section.

Keyboard Shortcuts

F1 to Open the About Box.
F2 to Open ColecoCheat! Dialog.
F3 to Toggle Pause/Unpause Emulation.
F4 to Open Messages Dialog.
F6 to Save Game (make a Save File .csg)
F7 to Restore Saved Game (Open a Save File .csg)
Alt+1 to Display Original Window Size (1:1)
Alt+2 to Display Double Window Size (2:1)
Alt+A for Sound Properties Dialog

Alt+C to Display Custom Window Size (drag the sides of the exe for the size you want it to be)
Alt+D for Display Properties Dialog
Alt+F to Turn Sound Off
Alt+I for Input Devices Properties Dialog
Alt+N to Turn Sound On
Alt+O to Open Cartridge Rom (Load a ROM)
Alt+P for Emulation Properties Dialog
Alt+R to Hard Reset (End Emulation)
Alt+S to Soft Reset (Reset Emulation)
Alt+X to Exit (Close The Exe)
Alt+Enter to Toggle Fullscreen/Window Mode
Pause/Break Button on your Keyboard to Pause Emulation

Save Files

The Save Support is in the form of a auto (Games Name .csg) by clicking File/Game Save or F6 and saving to a folder of your choice. What is cool about this is the fact once you have saved and closed, you can load the save without having the game running and it will Load and Run the game from that save point on

Click on File and Save Game. The Save Game Dialog will Open on the last folder you loaded your ROM from.

So I suggest you make a Game Saves Folder in you Rom Directory to avoid any clutter. click on the Save Button to return to your Game (Like Shown Above)

Loading Save Files

Virtual ColecoVision Save Support is in the form of a auto (Games Name .csg) by clicking File/Restore saved game or F7 and loading from the folder your save is located. What is cool about this is the fact once you have saved and closed, youcan load the save without having the game running and it will Load and Run the game from that save point on

Click On File and Restore saved game. The Restore Game Dialog will Open the last folder you save or loaded a ROM from.

Click on the (Games Name .csg) and then click Ok. This will then load the Game to the Position you saved last (Like Shown Above) MacDonald's (I'm Loving It)


Virtual ColecoVision has Cheat Support to some extent. There is a ColecoCheat.ini that has some Cheat Code Support for some games and can be activated while Emulating a Game Via File/ColecoCheat! or F2.
To find out more about using Cheats by clicking on the using Cheats Section.

Netplay Support

Virtual ColecoVision does not Have Netplay Support.

Video and Sound

To find out more about Video And Sound click on the Video And Sound Section.

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| Designed by Gent | for the Emulation64 Network|

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