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    Guide by Gent
Virtual ColecoVision
Guide by Gent
Views: 49261
Date: Saturday, August 27 - 2005

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Virtual ColecoVision by Neal Danner

The Virtual ColecoVision is a non-profit emulator created for those individuals who were and still are fans of the Coleco gaming era who wish to play their ColecoVision games under Windows 95 and NT 4.0. The Virtual ColecoVision is the result of a development project started by Neal Danner back in October of '94. The Z80 CPU emulation, Hand Controller Emulation, and SN76489 sound emulation were Neal's developments while portions of the TMS9928A emulation are based upon Marat Fayzullin's TMS9918A emulation source which is included with this ColecoVision emulator ColEm. The Virtual ColecoVision used to be called ColEm97, but on October 6, 1997 it was renamed to the now known name of The Virtual ColecoVision. This Really is a Superb Emulator and the Current Version Released on Oct 14th, 1997 Is nothing more then Amazing. It has a great compatibility and is "The Best" ColecoVision emulator out there. The Game play and feel is a Pure Joy and is for all ColecoVision based Fans, a Fantastic Trip down memory Lane. The Emulator is no longer active but I could wrong? If anyone knows where Neal Danner is at or the status of the project.. We would love to know.

Virtual ColecoVision System Requirements


Minimum system configuration:

486-DX100/Pentium 75 or faster running Windows 95/NT4.0 with the
DirectX binaries installed.
8MB ram (16MB for NT4.0)
VLB video card

Recommended system configuration:

Pentium 100Mhz or faster running Windows 95/NT4.0 with the
DirectX binaries installed.
16MB ram
PCI based video card

Note: If you are not sure of your DirectX you can download from Microsoft DirectX binaries.

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