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    Guide by WhiteX
Nintendo DS Homebrew.
Guide by WhiteX
Views: 111913
Date: Monday, July 10 - 2006

Prev Page   :   Introduction.Next Page   :   The Card based Flash Cart.

The Passme...and the game.

The Passme is a device to trick the DS into running code from the GBA
port, it was devised by Natrium42 based on a more simple design by DarkFader,
there´s also the Passme2 that works with the second version of the DS firmware.

Note that using a Passme does not change your DS nor voids your
warranty in any way, so, for the best interest of the fine people that
will read this guide, i will cover no more passing methods.

There are several manufacturers of Passme devices and more often than not
they are bundled with the flash carts, choose one that suits your DS version and
you´re good to go.

SuperPass, a passme device.

MagicKey, another Passme device.

PassKey, Passme from the M3 team.

Now, wait a minute, how would i know if i need a passme1 or a passme2?

Well, you got me there, haven´t you? Well not really, to know your DS´s
firmware version and thus the kind of passme to use, there is a simple test...

1. Insert a DS game in NDS slot.
2. Turn up your DS and open Pictochat, room A.
3. Now remove the NDS cartridge from the NDS slot (don't worry, you can't do much harm).
4. Both screens should turn in the same color.

- NDS-V1: DS will freeze, when you remove the cart. (PASSME 1)
- NDS-V2: Grayish Blue. (PASSME1)
- NDS-V3: Dark Green. (PASSME1)
- NDS-V4: Yellow. (PASSME2)
- NDS-V5: Magenta. (PASSME2)


Now that you have done the testing, you know wich passme to buy.

With your passme, you will need a game, Why? For verification on the DS slot.
For Passme1 usage, any game will do fine with no configuration whatsoever, now for the
Passme2 you will need to configure the device to work with your game and there´s only
a handfull of games that work.

SuperPass 2, a Passme2 device and it´s PC attachment for programming.

Passkey2, Passme2 programmed directly on the NDS.

Also, i am not sure if the software needed is free or not, so we will not cover the Passme2
usage on this guide but fear not, for there´s an alternative to people with Passme2 needing
firmware, the passme version 3.

The Passme version 3 is nothing more than a preprogrammed Passme2, a
Passme2 soldered on a game or a specially devised card with DS code in it.
It is smaller than a passme 2 device and as plug and play as the first Passme.

Superkey, Passme v3.

Passcard, also v3.

Datel Max Media Launcher, the most compatible Passme v3.

In this guide, we will assume that whoever has a passme2 needing DS is using a Passme v3.

So much for the passme, if you have a DS compatible with Passme, you will configure nothing,
if you have a later DS or a lite, you will use a Passme v3 and configure nothing. Easy as cake.

The usage is even simpler, stick it on the DS slot with a game on the other end, for Passme1, or
standing alone, for Passme v3, when you reach the flash cart´s control panel, take it off.

Prev Page   :   Introduction.Next Page   :   The Card based Flash Cart.


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