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1. Lewpy's 3dfx Glide GPU


    Guide by Dark Watcher
PSX Plugins: Lewpy's Glide GPU
Guide by Dark Watcher
Views: 196335
Date: Sunday, September 18 - 2005

Next Page   :   Initial Configuration Options


This is a visual documentation of Lewpy's Glide Plugin
(currently based on v1.40). Included in this documentation are visual pictures of the different
functions, and options available with this plugin. It will take you step by step through each function with a brief description of all the options.

Lewpy's Glide is an excellent GPU plugin that works with Glide (3DFX) compatible
cards. Keep in mind if your card does not use Glide, then this plugin will not work for

Assuming you have added Lewpy's Plugin to your emulators plugin directory, open the emulator you are using and select
"Config" (Reference the emulators configuration guides at this site for more
info). Select the GPU plugin you want to use, in this case select Lewpy's plugin. Once you have it selected hit the "configure"

Configuration Screen

This is the main screen that has all the options that you need to configure the plugin to your
Here you will see many options, but don't get intimataded or confused. This guide will explain what each of the options
mean, and how they can help you get the most out of your games. This guide will cover all the options section by
section. So first let's start with the top.

Next Page   :   Initial Configuration Options


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