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1. P.E.Op.S Soft GPU


    Guide by Dark Watcher
PSX Plugins: P.E.Op.S Soft GPU
Guide by Dark Watcher
Views: 133849
Date: Sunday, September 18 - 2005

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Frame Rate

Here are the current options available as of version.

  • Transparent FPS Display - This will create a semi transparent menu bar for those who want to see the frames per second (FPS), but don't want the menu bar to obstruct the screen.
  • Show FPS display on startup - This will enable you to see the frames per second when the game starts. You also can disable this option and just use the hotkey "Delete" button to make the FPS show.
  • Key Configuration - Pressing this little button will open up another window where you can set your hotkeys. These hotkeys can enable / disable P.E.Op.S GPU options as your playing the game (like enabling / disabling the "Show FPS" option mentioned above).

  • Use FPS Limit - This option I believe should always be enabled to get the most stable speeds. If you do select this option, you can also enable one of the following options.
    • Auto Detect FPS limit - Use this option to automatically set the FPS. The plugin will attempt to predict the actual frame rate the game should play in.
    • FPS Limit - Here you will be able to manually set the framerate for the game (Just in case "Auto Detect" fails). Depending on the region set this to 60 FPS for NTSC/J games, and 50 FPS for PAL games. These are the playstation speeds for these region type games, but you can set it as high or low as you want.

  • Frame Skipping - Frame Skipping is a technique for improving the apparent speed of emulation, but it looses visual quality. The effect is achieved by rendering fewer frames than are actually drawn by the game. So why the heck would you want to do that? This option is great for slower cards that lack speed to render games at full speed.

  • Ok we have our framerate settings all set. Now let's go to the next section "Options".

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