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    Article by Martin
Free hosting
Article by Martin
Views: 333955
Date: Wednesday, October 28 - 2015

If you are looking for hosting for your emulator, emulation related project or gaming site we can offer you free hosting and support as well as the ability to announce your updates here at Emulation64.com. If you have a site in a different field we could very well be able to host it anyway. Contact us!

Furthermore, we can offer you a subforum at EmuTalk.net for discussions and user feedback. Our forum is around 15 years old and has lots of knowledgable posters and helpful moderators.

Included with our hosting is a free emulation64.com or emutalk.net subdomain (i.e. yoursite.emulation64.com). In some cases we can also offer a free domain name if it is not already taken (ie. yourdomain.com). Of course you also get an e-mail account should you need one.

You get access to our Plesk control panel where you can manage your e-mail accounts, FTP password, add and edit databases through phpMyAdmin and you can also setup backups for your site. If you do not setup backups yourself, no worries, we automatically backup everything frequently, both stored locally and on an offline server. In Plesk you can also view server logs and statistics for your site.

Our main server is powerful Linux server (latest Ubuntu OS) with an Intel Core i7-7700 CPU, 64 GB DDR4 RAM, 2 x 512 GB NVMe SSD in RAID 1 and with a dedicated 1 Gbit/s connection.

Send Martin an e-mail ([email protected]) and he will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact him through a PM at EmuTalk.net.


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