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1. Lewpy's 3dfx Glide GPU


    Guide by Dark Watcher
PSX Plugins: Lewpy's Glide GPU
Guide by Dark Watcher
Views: 202888
Date: Sunday, September 18 - 2005

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Configuration Items

When an item is selected from the left menu, it will list option in the right window. There are quite a few, but Lewpy has added a "Tool Tip" feature that explains what each option does. Here are the configuration items as of this version.

  • On Screen Display - The On-Screen Display provides information to the user by means of an overlaid display in the top left of the screen.

    • Off - Will provide no info but will give you the most speed, as the drawing technique of the display will actually slow down the emulator.
    • FPS - Will provide you with the current speed of emulation (in Frames Per Second).
    • FPS and PSX Mode - Enables another line of information, which details the current PSX mode being emulated. (For more detail on the PSX modes use Lewpy's documentation)
    • Full Mode - Adds some statistics for the rendered frame, which are self-explanatory. This setting causes major slowdown, and is not recommended.

  • Frame Skip - Frame Skipping is a technique for improving the apparent speed of emulation, but it looses visual quality. The effect is achieved by rendering fewer frames than are actually drawn by the game. This option is also great for slower cards that lack speed. There are only 2 options either "On" or "Off".

  • Frame Limit - This option sets the maximum speed (FPS) that the emulator will run a game at. It works in tandem with the "System Type" setting.
    • Full Rate - Game FPS limited to 60fps or 50fps, depending on "System Type" setting.
    • Half Rate - Self explanatory. Game FPS limited to 30fps or 25fps (half the rate), depending on "System Type" setting
    • Custom - Allows the user to specify how many frames per second they want a game to run.
    • Auto - Game FPS is automatically set according to PSX modes, ignoring the System Type setting.

  • System Type - This setting defines the system type of the emulator. It is used by the FrameRate Limit to decide what the actual maximum speed of a game should be. The 2 settings are PAL and NTSC. Pal is set for most European games, and NTSC for most Japanese or US games.

  • Framecap Method - To make these games playable, the GPU plugin attempts to limit the speed of graphics updates, so that it matches the correct speed of the PSX. For more information on each mode see Lewpy's documentation.
    • Old - uses the original frame-capping algorithm , devised by Lewpy, within the plugin, which was simply to limit the page-flips to the correct frame-rate for the currently selected PSX display mode. May not work correctly in some games that run non interlaced modes at 50 / 60 FPS.
    • New - Limits the time between vertical interrupts to precisely 1/50th (or 1/60th for NTSC) of a second. The vertical interrupt is actually calculated by the main emulator, and signalled to the GPU plugin. May be a better framecap method , and is the default setting.
    • Hybrid - Allows a maximum of 2 vertical interrupts per frame. What this does is smoothes out the apparent frame-rate (can be seen in racing games such as Rage Racer and Ridge Racer Type 4), but it has a side effect: it tends to make the sound run too fast.

  • Draw Method - The PSX uses a different lighting equation than 3dfx cards, which means an alteration is required to ahieve the proper color brightness.
    • Bright - Boosts the lighting values on the primitives, to attempt to achieve the same lighting equation as the PSX. The problem is that the lighting values can saturate due to this boost, and then the lighting is distorted (bits are not as bright as they should be). In general, however, this looks the best and is the default setting.
    • Dim - does not boost the lighting values, but instead reduces the lighting on other non-light primitives. This has the effect of dimming the whole screen, but it keeps the lighting consistent with the real PSX.
    • Multipass - achieves the correct PSX lighting equation by doing multiple passes on the required primitives, there by boosting their lighting without the saturation problem of the Bright setting. Although this setting may be better, it is also slower since it requires internal state changes in the 3dfx hardware.
    • VSA-100 - achieves correct PSX lighting using the VSA-100 chip, which
      means that the correct light equation is achieved without the performance hit
      as in Multipass. This is only present in newer 3dfx cards (Voodoo 4/5). If
      your card supports it, use it.

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