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1. Lewpy's 3dfx Glide GPU


    Guide by Dark Watcher
PSX Plugins: Lewpy's Glide GPU
Guide by Dark Watcher
Views: 196332
Date: Sunday, September 18 - 2005

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Initial Configuration Options

  • Stored Configuration - This option allows you to store up to 4 different configuration settings that can be used

  • 3dfx Card - If you are using more then one 3dfx graphics card on your system, this option gives you a choice to pick which card you will use.

  • Glide Info - This field automatically populates the graphics card you are using, the drivers being used, and the location of the driver. A good field to use to insure you are using the card you wnat., and that the drivers are current.

    Screen Configuration

  • FSAA - Newer Voodoo graphics cards (Voodoo 4/5/6 ) give you the ability to set Full Screen Anti Aliasing. Lewpy's plugin gives you the ability to control the settings without having to use display settings. Enable only the setting that your system can handle. If your Voodoo card does not have this capability it will appear greyed out.

  • FrameBuffer - Newer Voodoo graphics cards can render in 16bit or 32bit.You have the option to choose between them. If your Voodoo card does not have this capability it will appear greyed out.

  • Textures - Similar to "FrameBuffer" newer Voodoo graphics cards can render in 16bit or 32bit.You have the option to choose between them. This option controls the rendering depth of MDECS (Movie's, CGI Cutscenes, etc). If your Voodoo card does not have this capability it will appear greyed out.

  • Resolution - Select the screen reolution you would like to use. Higher resolution will give better visual quality, but may cause slow emulation. Select the best option for your system.

  • Refresh Rate - Controls the monitor refresh rate. Most monitors use a 60Hz refresh, so this setting is recommended.

  • Copy Information - a useful tool that allows you to copy the plugins settings to a text file for reference, or to post at forums for others to aid you in game settings.

  • Define Keys - Clicking this button will open another window shown below.Each key is programmable, and can provide the following options:

  • Menu Scroll - This key cycles through the available configuration items.
  • Menu Toggle - This key changes the configuration item between it's available settings.
  • Quick Config Hotkeys - Enables the hotkeys for switching configurations on-the-fly (i.e.. during a game). These are simply the keys 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each hotkey represents the configuration the user stored in the "Stored Cofiguration" settings found at the top of the menu.
  • Show VRAM / Show VRAM ++ - Debug options to be mainly used by the plugin author. Just some info for the curious, but serves no purpose for casual users
  • TV Config - Clicking this button will open another window shown below. This window allows you to customize the appearance of a mimicked television display. This feature is enabled with the "True Screen Sizing" option explained later:

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