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    Guide by Dark Watcher
PSX Plugins: P.E.Op.S Soft GPU
Guide by Dark Watcher
Views: 135088
Date: Sunday, September 18 - 2005

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Resolution and Colors

The following options are for tweaking your display filters, resolution, and color settings.

  • Select Device - Because of the P.E.Op.S Soft's versatility, you have the option of selecting the graphics card you wish to use if you have more then one card installed.
  • Fullscreen Mode - Select fullscreen mode if you would like to play your games fullscreen. You will have the option of different resolutions, usually the higher the resolution the better it looks, but at a cost of speed. The exact opposite for lower resolutions, the lower you go the faster it is but might not look as good. It is best to find a middle ground here where you get a good balance between speed, and graphic quality.
  • Window Mode - Window mode will enable you to play your games within a window. This is good for those that like to multitask while they play games. For example using a Netplay plugin so you can chat at the same time.
  • Color Depth - Select the color depth you would like to use. 16bit will run much faster then 32bit. 32bit gives better picture quality in some games. So if you need some more speed it is probably best to set it to 16bit color. Some graphic cards may have difficulty in one color depth mode. If this is the case then try the other.

  • Note!

    Most games use 16bit color depth on the actual Playstation. Rendered cutscenes (FMV) used a higher 24bit color pallette. So your not missing much if you elect to use 16bit color rather then 32

  • Stretching - Stretching mainly effects the appearance of the display. There are quite a few modes to choose from based more on either preference or speed. Your choices will either stretch the image full screen, enhance the image with a special graphics filter, or will show an unstreched actual PSX display centered inside the window. The selections can be set for speed, or for quality based on the users tastes.

    • Stretch to Full Window - Self explanatory. The screen display will be stretched to the window resolution you specify
    • 1:1 - No stretching occurs, but may speed things up for some video cards
    • Keep PSX Aspect Ratio - This option is for those people that want the same type of screen ratio (Original PSX Resolution) as the real Playstion console.
    • 2XSaI Stretching - 2x Scale and Interpolation engine is a 2D enhancing technique used to blend 2D sprites. Kind of like what Bilinear does for 3D primitives. The display will be stretched to the window resolution you specify. This mode may be slow down performance (needs a fast computer processor)

      Helpful Tip!

      ** 2XSaI works best with full screen 16bit color depth. You could use 32bit, but it will cause major slowdown

    • 2XSaI Unstretched - 2XSaI is applied, but the image is not stretched, but because of scaling it will appear twice the normal display size (the scaling technique doubles whatever resolution you are using). So if your resolution window is too small it will appear cropped, if too big it will be bordered.
    • Super2XSaI Stretched - A higher 2D sprite blending technique that combines 2XSaI and SuperEagle techniques. This mode will enhance the 2D image quality further then 2XSaI and SuperEagle, but is even more demanding (needs an even faster computer processor). The display will be stretched to the window resolution you specify.
    • Super2XSaI Unstretched - Super2XSaI is applied, but the image is not stretched, but because of scaling it will appear twice the normal display size. So if your resolution window is too small it will appear cropped, if too big it will be bordered.
    • SuperEagle Stretching - SuperEagle is another 2D enhancement technique used to blend 2D sprites. This technique uses both interpolation and extrapolation techniques. This option will blend 2D sprites, but with less blur of 2XSaI.The display will be stretched to the window resolution you specify. This mode will be slower then 2XSaI, but faster then Super2XSaI.
    • SuperEagle Unstretched - SuperEagle is applied, but the image is not stretched, but because of scaling it will appear twice the normal display size. So if your resolution window is too small it will appear cropped, if too big it will be bordered.
    • Scale2X Stretching - Scale2X is another 2D enhancement technique used to blend 2D sprites. This technique creates sharper images since it doesn't use interpolation (no blur).The display will be stretched to the window resolution you specify. This mode may be slower then the other techniques (Though not as bad as Super2XSaI).
    • Scale2X Unstretched - Scale2X is applied, but the image is not stretched, but because of scaling it will appear twice the normal display size. So if your resolution window is too small it will appear cropped, if too big it will be bordered.

    • HQ2X Stretching - High Quality 2x Scale is an enhancement technique used to blend 2D sprites. It works like Scale2X, but sharpens black & white edges and outlines. This technique needs a very fast processor, and is slightly more demanding then Scale2X. The display will be stretched to the window resolution you specify. This mode may be slower then the other techniques.
    • HQ2X Unstretched - HQ2X is applied, but the image is not stretched, but because of scaling it will appear twice the normal display size. So if your resolution window is too small it will appear cropped, if too big it will be bordered.

    • Scale3X and HQ3X - OK...by now you get the picture. These modes will apply up to 3 times scaling, and will blend 2D sprites even further, but they require some serious computer speed.

  • Dithering - This is a technique used by the real PSX console. It is activated primarliy in 3D games, and is used to smooth out colors on G-Shaded polygons. If your using this plugin for 3D gaming instead of API specific plugins (D3D, Glide, OpenGL), then it is safe to say your limited by hardware and speed. However "dithering" can provide slight enhancement if enabled.

    • No Dithering - Pretty self explanatory. If speed is an issue then leave dithering off.
    • Game Dependant - Similar to the real PSX console. Dithering will only be applied if the game calls for the PSX to apply it. This option may be slower when dithering is applied.
    • Always - The plugin will always apply dithering regardless if the game originally called for it or not. This option provides the best enhancements, but possibly at the cost of speed.

    Ok now that we have our settings all set let's go to the next section "Framerate".

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