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Project: Direct64
Developers: Orkin
Official Site: Click Here
Source: Closed
Status: Active
Direct64 screenshot


Direct64 is based on the glN64 source code, but many changes have been made since I began working on it. Direct64 is a DirectX 9 plugin that uses the latest features of today's GPUs to get as close to the N64 as possible.


The plugin requires DirectX 9, and at least PS 1.1 support (although PS 2.0 is recommended).

Download latest version

Direct64 (Windows 32-bit)


 Filename  Size  Downloads  Updated

1.  Direct64 (Windows 32-bit) 1.07 MB 40749 2005-03-25

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Direct64 has been downloaded a total of 40,749 times.

We have 1428 files available for download.
Our files have been downloaded 11,291,398 times.

This page was last updated 2005-03-25.

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